Safeguard Your Credit Union's Data with Robust Backup and Disaster Recovery Solutions

Fully managed and compliant cloud and IT infrastructure solutions designed for reliable financial data backup and recovery

Defend Your Credit Union from Costly Data Breaches and Downtime

Credit unions face unique cybersecurity challenges with often fewer resources than larger financial institutions. In 2020, the average cost of a data breach in the financial industry hit $5.85 million, taking an average of 233 days to identify and contain. With 52% of breaches resulting from malicious attacks, 23% from human error, and 25% from system glitches, the question arises: Is your credit union prepared for such threats?

Ask yourself:

  1. Do you have a robust disaster recovery plan in place?
  2. Are your data protection measures efficient and reliable?
  3. How prepared are you to handle the financial and reputational consequences of a breach?

By partnering with Opti9, you can access tailored, compliant cloud and IT infrastructure solutions designed to secure your credit union’s data. Don’t wait for a disaster to strike – enhance your preparedness with Opti9 today.

Achieve Seamless Compliance with Opti9’s Tailored Cloud Services for Credit Unions

  • Hosted private cloud
  • Virtual private cloud
  • Offsite backups as a service (BaaS)
  • Hybrid IT management and orchestration
  • Disaster recovery-as-a-service (DRaaS)
  • Colocation
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Is your organization prepared for IT challenges? Opti9 offers tailor-made managed IT and cloud services to credit unions, ensuring easy protection of your mission-critical data and applications. Our private cloud, backup, disaster recovery, and storage solutions minimize data loss risks, boost customer satisfaction, and drive long-term success.

  • Customized for financial organizations
  • Reliable & compliant IT infrastructure
  • Minimal complexity for maximum efficiency

Tap into Opti9’s Industry Expertise for a Customized, Future-Proof IT Infrastructure for Your Credit Union

Schedule a Consultation

Protect your credit union’s IT infrastructure with confidence. Schedule a consultation with Opti9 experts to explore tailored managed cloud services, ensuring enhanced data protection and efficiency. Safeguard your financial data with care.

We're happy to offer 1 Hour FREE consultancy to help you with any areas where you may need some help. Complete the form to get started.
