Backup & Disaster Recovery

Common Disaster Recovery Mistakes To Avoid

March 27, 2024 | By Zoey Zelmore

In a world driven by data, the importance of disaster recovery (DR) solutions cannot be overstated. From natural disasters to cyberattacks and human errors, the risks of data loss continues to grow alongside businesses. Today, we will cover the 3 common mistakes companies make when creating a DR strategy, key steps for building an effective DR strategy for your business, and the ways Opti9 can protect your data in private, public, and hybrid clouds.  

According to Gartner, 72% of businesses are poorly positioned in terms of a DR strategy, leaving them vulnerable to the many ways data loss can occur. While that statistic may seem daunting, there are 3 common mistakes that businesses make that when avoided, can help you stay vigilant against attacks, errors, or disasters.  

#1: Leaving Disaster Recovery Solely to IT 

While disaster recovery primarily falls on the shoulders of your organization’s IT department, it is crucial that it is developed as an organization wide strategy. When building a DR plan, one must consider the perspectives of the unique departments within your organization. An important question to keep in mind is what data is important to each segment, and how critical is that data for the overall business success. From there, you can develop a strategy that safeguards key data to the highest extent and taper coverage accordingly.  

#2: Ignoring Human Error 

Keeping your business safe from disaster is a complex task, and when deciding on the best strategy, it is important to take human error into consideration. Dependencies on manual processes leave room for mistakes that Disaster Recovery as a Service (DRaaS) eliminates. When leveraging a DRaaS solution over an in-house solution, you are offloading the difficulties of disaster recovery from your in-house team of IT specialists, allowing them to focus on innovation and activities that best align with your organization’s overarching goals.  

#3: Considering Disaster Recovery a One-Time Effort 

As the IT landscape continues to evolve, and your business changes or grows, your disaster recovery strategy should too. While initial planning is a key aspect of staying protected against data loss, it is important to continuously test your DR solution. Confidence in your DR strategy is key, and the only way to ensure it is functioning as needed is to regularly see how it stacks up against “what if” scenarios. Through ongoing testing, your business can ensure any issues are quickly resolved and you are thoroughly protected against various threats. Another way to continue to ensure your strategy stays resilient is to work with a partner who can provide ongoing guidance. The team at Opti9 stands prepared to work alongside your team to create the most efficient DR strategy possible for your business. 

Now that we have covered the three most common mistakes, you may want to reevaluate your DR strategy – that’s where Opti9 can help. With our various vendor agnostic DRaaS options, we can ensure your business is protected against malicious attacks, system failures, user error disruptions, and more! Ready to get started on your journey to disaster protection? Use the link below to build out your own disaster recovery plan.  

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