Hybrid Cloud Solutions, Security

Cloud Computing Security Risks and The Common Pitfalls

July 11, 2023 | By Greg Dougherty

Cloud computing has become a major part of the modern technological landscape, and while it provides convenience and efficiency, it also brings with it certain security risks. As more businesses move their data to the cloud, they must take into account the potential pitfalls that can occur and have teams in place to confront them.

Here are the typical cloud computing security risks and explore some of the common difficulties to face.

What is Cloud Computing and How Does it Impact Security Risks

Cloud computing enables the delivery of computing services over the internet. With cloud computing, users can access resources such as software, hardware, and data storage without having to maintain or manage them locally. This makes it possible for companies to reduce their IT costs and scale quickly as their business needs change.

However, cloud computing also introduces new security risks that must be managed by an expert. Without proper controls in place, cloud users may experience data breaches, malicious activity, and other vulnerabilities. Organizations need to understand the threats associated with cloud computing and take steps to protect their data.

Cloud computing brings convenience and efficiency but also security risks. Learn more about cloud computing security here:Click to Tweet

Identifying Potential Vulnerabilities in Your Network

Organizations should take steps to identify and mitigate potential vulnerabilities in cloud networks and backups. To do this, teams first need to understand the underlying cloud architecture in order to protect it effectively.

Once you understand the cloud architecture and cloud services you are using, it is important to review your cloud-related security policies. Your policy should address access management, data encryption, and network configuration. It should also include provisions for incident response and regular audits of cloud services.

Protect Your System from Unauthorized Access

One key cloud computing security strategy is to use multi-factor authentication for all cloud services. This will require users to provide two or more layers of authentication before being granted access to the service, making it much more difficult for unauthorized individuals to gain access. It’s also important to ensure that your cloud servers are properly configured and secured with encryption.

Another vital cloud computing security strategy is to regularly audit and monitor cloud services, ideally through an effective cloud management platform. This will help you detect any potential security vulnerabilities so you can address them quickly before they become a problem. Cloud services should be monitored on an ongoing basis to ensure that they are performing optimally and can effectively detect abnormalities.

Avoid these common pitfalls to cloud computing with guidance from the experts at Opti9: Click to Tweet

Educate Employees in Mitigating Risk

It is important to ensure that employees understand the cloud environment they are working in and acknowledge the risks, such as the threat of ransomware. Leadership should provide employees with cloud security awareness training to ensure they are familiar with cloud-specific risks and the steps that they can take to prevent them.

Free eBook Download: How to Shield Your Business From Ransomware Attacks

Organizations should also consider implementing cloud computing policies that define acceptable use of cloud services, as well as requiring employees to adhere to cloud security requirements such as two-factor authentication and data encryption. Instituting cloud security policies can help to ensure cloud services are used in a secure manner.

Evaluate Best Practices for Data Protection and Backup Strategies

Ensuring there is an appropriate system in place for backing up data in the cloud is vital for data protection. Data stored in the cloud can become corrupt or lost, and cloud computing providers rarely offer data recovery services. Therefore, organizations need to maintain a cloud backup strategy in order to ensure there is an effective system for restoring cloud data in the event of any failure or malicious attack.

Another consideration for cloud migration teams is that backups are not all created equal. When evaluating your current backup strategy or considering a new strategy, it’s important to understand the protection each offers. For example, unlike regular (mutable) backups, immutable backups cannot be modified or deleted by attackers after they have been written for a determined period of time.

Thorough disaster recovery plans should include procedures for restoring cloud services and data quickly in the event of any outage or disaster, as well as testing components to ensure cloud data and cloud services are reliably recovered in a timely manner. By following best practices for cloud computing data protection and backup strategies, organizations can ensure cloud data is securely stored and well-protected.

Moving Forward with Confidence

By taking appropriate steps and staying vigilant about the threats that cloud computing poses, businesses can better protect themselves from cybercrime and other unwanted intrusions into their systems. Choosing the right partner in cloud migration is the vital first step, and ensuring that partner can help protect your cloud environment is the second. For more information, download this free ebook: Top 10 Questions For Choosing A Disaster Recovery Provider