
Preventing Heartbreak with Resilience as a Service

February 14, 2024 | By Zoey Zelmore

Happy Valentines Day! While many today will celebrate the love in their lives, we wanted to take a moment to focus on ways you can prevent heartbreak within your organization. As businesses continue to evolve across the IT landscape, the cybersecurity threats continue to grow as well – whether from human error or bad actors outside of your organization, it is crucial to eliminate gaps that leave your organization vulnerable. Today, we will cover 3 ways that falling in love with Resilience as a Service (RaaS) will provide peace of mind and prevent the heartbreak of data loss and downtime.  

Proactive Protection  

While many organizations tend to heavily focus on emerging threats, RaaS is one of the many ways to ensure your organization is proactive in its approach to cybersecurity rather than attempting resolutions in the midst of chaos. The amalgamation of a Managed Risk Program, Security Assessments & Audits, Vulnerability & Penetration Testing, Managed Detect Response, and robust Endpoint, Network, Cloud & SaaS security, backed by 24/7 Real-time Security Operations Center (SOC) monitoring, forms a cohesive tools suite for businesses committed to resilience. The Managed Risk Program ensures a holistic approach to risk management, identifying vulnerabilities and fortifying defenses through continuous assessments and audits. Vulnerability & Penetration Testing exposes potential weaknesses, allowing for speedy resolutions. The Managed Detect Response facilitates real-time threat detection, response, and containment. Comprehensive security across endpoints, networks, and cloud environments, coupled with SOC monitoring, ensures a proactive stance against evolving cyber threats. This integrated suite not only fortifies security measures but also positions businesses to adapt swiftly, promoting resilience in the face of dynamic cybersecurity challenges. 

React & Recover  

In alignment with an organization’s proactive cybersecurity approach, it’s also important to have a plan of action in place to react and recover from threats and attacks. With the benefits of a proactive tools suite that focus on fortifying defenses and anticipating cyber threats, the React & Recover portion is much like a best friend and a pint of Ben & Jerrys after a breakup – always ready to step into action when incidents occur. Incident response takes the forefront, ensuring a rapid and well-coordinated reaction to emerging threats, minimizing potential damage. Simultaneously, managed local & offsite backups, coupled with Disaster-Recovery-as-a-Service (DRaaS), constitute a safety net, emphasizing the importance of not only preventing but also recovering from data loss or system failures. Automated data air gapping enhances the security posture, preventing unauthorized access to critical information. Pre-planned runbooks provide a structured playbook for efficient failover, failback, and regular testing, ensuring a seamless recovery process. With Managed Testing continuously evaluating response plans, and the Protection of Backup Infrastructure ensuring critical data restoration, this React & Recover suite serves as Proactive Protection’s other half. Together, these suites create a comprehensive cybersecurity strategy, allowing businesses to eliminate downtime, and safeguard their data and their hearts.  

Single Point of Ownership  

Once an organization has worked with their RaaS provider to establish both their proactive and reactive suites, they can enter the honeymoon phase. With the tools needed in place, and an established partnership with your provider, you are able to rely on them fully to manage all things related to your cybersecurity strategy, including:  

  • Disaster Recovery 
  • Cybersecurity threats 
  • Data Exfiltration 
  • Ransomware protection 
  • Application recovery after human error 
  • Data restoration 
  • Forensics, post-mortem, continuous improvement 

With a fully cohesive resilience strategy in place, your organization can eliminate the stress of constant internal monitoring and aiding security procedures – allowing your team to focus on innovation, optimization, and achieving business goals.  

Still on the search for your resilience soul mate? Look no further- Opti9 is ready to support you every step of the way! Check out our RaaS offerings and fall in love with Opti9!  

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