
Opti9 Featured on Cipher Podcast on Business Resiliency and Disaster Recovery

April 12, 2019 | By Greg Dougherty

Opti9 (formerly “opti9”) CTO, Sagi Brody, joined Cipher, a global cybersecurity company, for its podcast to discuss business resiliency and disaster recovery. The key focus of this episode is availability, which is absolutely critical when it comes to maintaining business resilience.

During this episode, Sagi dives into the differences between your run-of-the-mill backups and a robust, fully inclusive disaster recovery strategy. Another key discussion during the webinar is around ransomware and how to mitigate the risks of these malicious cyberattacks.

Listen to the Full Podcast


Now more than ever, business resiliency is crucial for organizations in the age of COVID-19. With this shift to remote workforces and disruptions to business as usual, an organization’s ability to maintain business continuity and stay resilient can mean the difference between the success or collapse of the business.