Backup & Disaster Recovery

Is Your Current BCDR Strategy Really Enough? [Video]

April 21, 2020 | By Greg Dougherty

The IT landscape of the modern enterprise has completely shifted to a hybrid approach, making it increasingly difficult to create and implement a BCDR strategy (Business Continuity/Disaster Recovery) that can be considered truly comprehensive.


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Critical data and applications are now housed across a variety of platforms including bare metal servers, on-prem virtualization, and public clouds, located across multiple data centers. Additionally, legacy platforms are not able to be sunsetted as fast as required. At the same time, mandates to provide true resilience capabilities and to maintain long-term data archiving for compliance are only increasing.

With all of this in mind, it’s crucial for modern enterprises to implement a fully inclusive Disaster Recovery and Backup strategy that will cater to their unique requirements.

On Tuesday, April 21st, 2020, Opti9 hosted a webinar featuring a panel of industry thought leaders including Sagi Brody (CTO, Opti9), Dave Russell (VP of Enterprise Strategy, Veeam), and Phil Shih (Managing Director, Structure Research). During this webinar, our expert panelists discussed:

  • How to architect Disaster Recovery and Offsite Backup capabilities that take ALL  platforms, no matter how old or new, into consideration
  • How you can integrate 3rd party Disaster Recovery services into your existing network and security paradigms so they look and act as if they’re part of your IT organization, and how to consume them  “as-a-Service” to offset accountability and responsibility
  • How new backup software capabilities can provide a single-pane-of-glass view into your global BaaS & DRaaS infrastructure, and provide a simple interface to ensure compliance requirements are met globally

Learn more about how Opti9 can help you implement a fully comprehensive BCDR strategy.