Amazon Web Services (AWS)

Planned with Expertise, Honed to Perfection, Optimized With Your Business in Mind

Leverage managed public cloud services from a trusted AWS partner

We Have the Expertise You're Looking For

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As a leading managed AWS cloud provider, we’ve helped hundreds of companies with their AWS cloud journey, and we’ve created best practices to ensure you have the expertise we’ve cultivated over the years at your fingertips. Our process takes the daunting task of moving to AWS and creates a smooth path to give your business confidence, training, and a foundation for success.

With our managed AWS cloud services, we will evaluate and plan with an in-depth assessment of your current systems and help you determine if AWS is the right choice for you. Opti9 will identify the best techniques, build the proper foundation, migrate your data and applications, and then optimize and manage everything at the speed of business.

  • Smooth & Secure:
    AWS CIS Benchmark compliance, hardened security posture.
  • Detailed & Accurate:
    A strong landing zone with accurate forecasting and thorough planning.
  • Agile & Accelerated:
    Multiple connectivity options to keep your business running and an agile approach to speed your migration.
  • Knowledgeable & Intuitive:
    Focused knowledge transfer and an intuitive training and partner process.

Why Work with Opti9 for Your Cloud Project?

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Meet Your Needs

Bring your own licensing or buy licenses included. Then, use an instance type and size to meet your specific workload needs.

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Pay for What You Use

Scale up and down as you need. The best part? You will only be paying for what you use.

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Improve Your Business

Improve performance, increase availability and improve security posture. You can use the same tools and workflows you’re familiar with on-premise.

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Reduce Latency

Use AWS cloud services to connect to client-server applications and reduce latency.

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Limit Admin Work

Use managed services like AWS Directory Service or Amazon RDS to limit your administrative work.

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AWS Managed Services

We'll provide you with everything you need in order to migrate, run, and support all your infrastructure, allowing you to focus on your business strategy.

Opti9 is an AWS Certified Consulting Partner and with AWS Managed Services (AMS), we can help you adopt AWS at scale. We leverage standard AWS services and offer guidance and execution of operational best practices with specialized automations, skills, and experience. AMS provides proactive, preventative, and detective capabilities that raise the operational bar and help reduce risk. Our managed services include:

  • Service Monitoring
  • Technical Support
  • Issue Management
  • Managed Backups
  • System Maintenance
  • Security

AWS Migration

Fully funded AWS Migration Assessments available

AWS has transformed how we look at cloud infrastructure. It has nearly defined it. Bring the expertise of a trusted partner to your AWS Migration. As an Advanced AWS Consulting Partner, Opti9 offers a flexible and focused framework alongside a deep understanding of cloud computing best practices.

No matter where you are in the journey to the cloud, Opti9 is there with proven best practices, tested expertise, and modernization tactics. Every AWS journey starts somewhere. Start yours with Opti9.

Do you need to:

  • Create a change management plan for executives?
  • Define the projected business outcomes?
  • Assess migration readiness?
  • Identify barriers to your migration plan?
  • Map your technical landscape?

Opti9 has resources, experts, and proven processes to help with every step of the journey. We focus on aligning the plan with your readiness, resources, and objectives and creating a shared vision for the future.

AWS Migration
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AWS Jumpstart

Harness the power of AWS with Opti9’s Jumpstart, blending best practices, automation, and expertise for enhanced value and minimal risk, anchored by a secure AWS Landing Zone.

Opti9’s AWS Jumpstart service provides a robust and secure foundation for your Amazon Web Services (AWS) environments. By leveraging the AWS Landing Zone (LZ) solution, we ensure your cloud infrastructure is built on best practices and adheres to stringent security and compliance requirements.

  • Resilient AWS Foundation: Leverage the AWS Landing Zone solution for best practices, security, and compliance.
  • Streamlined Infrastructure: Automated deployment and management, reducing human error.
  • Centralized Management: Simplified AWS account management for enhanced visibility and control.
  • Expert Support: Ongoing maintenance and guidance from certified AWS professionals.

Microsoft on AWS

Microsoft on AWS – Save up to 45% on licensing costs by migrating and optimizing SQL server and Windows Server on AWS

Opti9 is an AWS Certified Consulting Partner with deep Microsoft experience and the AWS Microsoft Workloads Competency. Windows applications are vital for businesses —from Exchange, facilitating communications, and Sharepoint, enabling collaboration, to CRM, for mission-critical workflows, and SQL Servers, managing data.

Opti9 will help you build, implement, deploy, and scale your workloads effectively and securely. Maximize the benefits of these Windows applications deployed on Amazon EC2 for Microsoft Windows Server with the added flexibility, security, and high availability of the public cloud.

Our managed AWS cloud expertise, paired with our Microsoft experience, enables us to accelerate cloud adoption while maintaining your business continuity. Our Windows application modernization capabilities include:

  • Migration
  • Development
  • Refactoring
  • DevOps
  • Optimization
  • Testing and Deployment
  • Configuration Management
  • Management and Support

Migrating to the cloud allows you to take complete control of your environment, optimize your process, and reduce your TCO. Opti9 is there every step of the way to inform and educate on the best practices as you do so.

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Accelerate for AWS - Fully Managed Services

Accelerate your move to AWS with full professional services support and management from Opti9

The Accelerate to AWS managed service from Opti9 provides a structured approach for organizations to migrate to the AWS cloud. Our bench of US and Canadian based professional services engineers and cloud architects will assist with the complete set up and migration to the AWS cloud. In addition, Accelerate includes an ongoing managed service to ensure that your cloud architecture is optimized for cost, security and performance as your business grows.

This ongoing support provides a full suite of capabilities and services to ensure that your transition to the cloud is successful. A summary of the typical deliverables as part of the Opti9 AWS Accelerate program are detailed:

  • AWS account provisioning
  • Hardened Landing Zone to CIS Benchmarks Pre-configured VPC/subnet
  • AWS Developer Support
  • Optix Dashboard- alerting, ticketing, reporting AWS Budget set-up & monitoring
  • Basic Identity & Access Mngt configuration AWS notification/alert management
  • AWS Cost Optimization
  • Up to $1000 per month AWS utilization
  • Baseline tagging strategy
  • Best-practices based initial SCP deployment
  • 24/7 NOC monitoring 1HR/month architectural support

AWS Training

Building Organization-Wide Cloud Proficiency Together

Opti9 is an experienced managed AWS consulting partner. We’ll work with your team to build organization-wide AWS proficiency.

Imagine teams speaking the same language across the enterprise, and being ahead of the curve. With Opti9, we will help you build, implement, deploy, and scale your workloads effectively and securely, then work with your team in a secure environment designed for learning without any loss of productivity.

Accelerate your company’s cloud strategy with Opti9 AWS training. We integrate hands-on learning for your team while working within real environments. Opti9 AWS experts will guide your team as they develop the skills needed to support your cloud journey.

Why work with Opti9 to train on AWS?

  • Accelerate Cloud Strategy
  • Keep Pace with the Evolving Space
  • Drive Cloud Skill Development
  • Provide Valuable Education to Your Employees
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How Opti9 and AWS transformed a Fintech

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For Agave, security and compliance are paramount. Agave also prides itself on pragmatism and responsiveness. This leads to a culture where it is possible to make rapid improvements while maintaining stability and security. We needed a partner that could be trusted to be experts in their field and that has a cultural fit with us – folks who are responsive and responsible. Opti9 met that need for Agave and continues to do so. -Suzanne Coleman, CTO, Agave. 

Ready to Team Up? Let’s Work Together.