Hybrid Cloud Solutions

Top 5 Reasons Why Outsourcing to a Cloud Provider is Beneficial for IT Managers

May 17, 2021 | By Greg Dougherty

Protecting your company’s data is often a small percentage of the roles and responsibilities of an IT Manager or CIO. Throughout your day-to-day work scope, you probably feel as though your workload is endless and your tech stack suffers due to managerial tasks. You have so much on your plate, from managing your internal systems, technologies, and IT team to protecting your company’s data and budgeting. In this post, we’ll shed light on the key benefits of leveraging a cloud provider and how it can help managers achieve true IT enlightenment and relieve some of that managerial stress.

Simplify Your Work Scope to Achieve IT Enlightenment

Outsourcing IT Management will allow your department to run more efficiently while most importantly, keeping costs down. I know, it sounds too good to be true, right? But we promise you, it’s not. Effective resources like off-site cloud solutions are the first step in clearing the fog from your work scope. Given these simple steps, achieving IT enlightenment is well within reach for IT leaders everywhere.

Using a Cloud Provider is Cost-Effective

As an IT manager, it’s your job to ensure that your department is getting the most out of your budget. The ever-changing world of technology is incredibly fast-paced, as you know; tech and hardware are constantly being improved upon, with “old” infrastructure falling victim to obsoletion almost as quickly as it was introduced.

When you procure a cloud solution from a provider, you can scale back on the amount of hardware you keep in-house, reducing your on-site infrastructure costs substantially. Any cloud provider worth their salt will ALWAYS ensure that their infrastructure is up-to-date and inclusive of top-notch tech.

Easily Grow and Scale Your Business

The ability to scale your infrastructure as your business grows can be quite expensive and time-consuming on your own. The following roles and responsibilities often take away from the team’s core business-critical tasks:

  • Purchasing Additional Equipment and Hardware
  • Managing its Operations on a Daily Basis
  • Dedicating Resources from Your Own Internal IT Team
  • Ensure Proper Setup and Deployment

When using a cloud provider, this can all be avoided. Scaling is as easy as upgrading your solution to include additional bandwidth, storage, and even computing capability. And while there are costs associated with upgrading aspects of your cloud environment, the costs are minuscule compared to having to scale on-prem. In fact, many companies have found that they can save upwards of 30% when using a cloud provider without the need for licensing and equipment.

Equipped with Cloud Backup and Disaster Recovery Specialists

A quality cloud provider is specialized in cloud backup and disaster recovery solutions. What we mean is that these providers have dedicated technical teams focused on each aspect of the cloud-based DRaaS and BaaS solutions they offer, including planning, architecting, implementing, monitoring, and managing. Whether you’re in need of an Offsite Backup, Ransomware Recovery, or IBM Recovery, Opti9 Cloud can orchestrate a specific backup strategy made just for you with a team dedicated to your needs.

Unsurpassed Cloud Expertise and 24/7 Support and Management

This service provided by a cloud provider is truly unparalleled. A talented team of techs and admins may be experts in their field, but specialized cloud techs and engineers manage an innumerable amount of data. Any respectable cloud provider will include 24/7 management and monitoring of your cloud solution. Cloud provider techs are well-versed in the world of cloud protection and have vast knowledge and experience when it comes to their craft:

  • Architecting and Creating Cloud Solutions
  • Deploying and Managing Custom Solutions
  • Efficient 24/7 Monitoring of Cloud Environment

Outsourcing a dedicated team to manage and monitor your environment is a major advantage when it comes to leveraging a cloud provider. You and your team can go home at the end of the workday and rest easy knowing that in the event that an issue arises, it will be addressed and resolved in a timely manner.

Compliant Cloud Provider

Strictly regulated verticals like healthcare, legal, finance, and banking should benefit most from protecting their confidential data. In order to operate free from data theft, cloud providers offer compliant cloud solutions ideal for these enterprises or corporations. Using a provider gives you confidence knowing that no matter what solution you are procuring — whether it be public cloud, private cloud, hybrid cloud, disaster recovery, or cloud backups — your data is safe and secure. Any credible cloud provider will typically offer solutions that are in compliance with the following institutions:

  • SSAE 18 SOC 2
  • GDPR
  • CJIS
  • FDA
  • ITAR
  • NYS DFS 500
  • NIST 800-145
  • ISO

Some providers will even take compliance/certification a step further to ensure their solutions and data centers meet the demands of even the most discerning organizations.

Opti9 can help you achieve true IT enlightenment by consulting with you 1 on 1 to determine the best solution for your managerial needs. In just a few short steps, we’ll help you establish confidence in your choice to outsource cloud solutions to improve your day-to-day tasks. So, my question to you is this: are you ready to achieve true IT enlightenment? If so, click the link below to speak to a cloud specialist today.